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What Others Say

Anne is a terrific coach who can help anyone from management through the C-suite to improve his/her effectiveness and/or help them to accelerate achievement of their goals. - Dan Fisher, Board Chair, Nixon Uniform & Medical Wear

Anne combines, with great success and impact, her roles as a leader, an expert in social media, excellent speaking skills, and a deep understanding of the concerns of her clients/audience. As a former CEO, I would go to no other for guidance on using social media as she understands my needs and abilities and can match them to the world of social media. She is in total command of the capabilities of social media as a communications tool for leaders and organizations. Because she is an active CEO herself, her coaching style for others offers exactly what individuals and organizations need. - Catherine Bertini, Professor of Public Administration and International Affairs, Syracuse University, and former Under Secretary General for Management, United Nations

The Board of Directors of the County Health Officials of New York (NYSACHO) had nothing but compliments for Anne on the communications workshop she facilitated at their retreat. She did her homework on the association and the Board, so that she could refer to board members by name and she displayed a clear understanding of both their mission and their tasks in their communities. I was deeply impressed by her skill as a facilitator. - Linda Wagner, Executive Director, NY State Assn. for County Health Officials 

I found my interaction with Anne Messenger to be very helpful. Indeed, I think that a two-minute conversation with Anne probably saved me several hours of trying to figure things out on my own and several avoidable career mis-steps. - Catherine McDonough, Principal, Electricity Market Design, ISONE

As a CEO, communicating our mission and strategy is key. Anne has helped me position my social media strategy and skills in a way that has enhanced my relationship with my employees and physicians. - Kathryn Ruscitto, President & CEO, St. Joseph's Health

My first “go to” when it comes to career management and professional networking is Anne Messenger. She is a strategic thinker whose creativity, high-energy, business-sense, and IT-adeptness, put her in a class by herself. - Mary Ann Tyszko, Corporate Board Member, New Venture and Technology Commercialization Leader

Executive Coaching - C-Suite

Facilitation - Leadership Groups

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